Loan Provision

You can arrange a loan for the customer by invoicing the goods and services both in automatic or manual mode.

Internet shops and services may automate their work with WebMoney Transfer system using Interface X1 — invoicing from one member (shop, resource) to another member (buyer) of the system. Details see at Web Merchant Interface.

Loans are provided for the term defined by the lender, and after its expiration, the member must fully repay their obligations.

Loan status of any member of WebMoney Transfer system can be checked in dialogue window "User properties" on the "Certificate" tab. If at setting the loan account, the status of the borrower does not correspond to the set requirements then there appears the message "Loan status of the user does not comply with the requirements."

Note that when entering a loan transaction, the service Paymer automatically registers unconditional debt obligation for the amount of the transaction. This obligation has the form of the bill Paymer of the Obligation type. When the conditions of the loan transaction will be fulfilled, the debt obligation will be automatically satisfied.

If the borrower failed to return the full amount in time, then the lender has the possibility to get this obligation for the amount of the residue which has not been repaid. In this case, the debt is written off from C- and D-purses of the transaction parties and its accounting and maintenance is transferred to Paymer service.